Vegan Silk BONNET | BOUK
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Vegan Silk BONNET

£12.99 - £15.99
  • Vegan Silk BONNET
  • Vegan Silk BONNET
  • Vegan Silk BONNET
  • Vegan Silk BONNET
  • Vegan Silk BONNET


Other bonnets slide off during the night defeating the purpose of wearing it in the first place BUT NOT OURS!
The cord elastic allows the bonnet to be adjusted snuggly and securely to any hair length and head shape.

Bonnets are the perfect curlfriend that tackle a range of natural hair problems such as :
-Lack of moisture in the hair/Dryness
-Dry scalp
-Split ends

How to use:
-We recommend wearing your bonnet every night before bed
-Put these on your car seats to protect your hair while driving.
-Our favourite way to use it is in deep conditioning. Place the DC of choice in hair, wrap with cling film or secure a tied plastic shopping bag then use the bonnet on top and sleep.

Reversible, adjustable and stylish.

Care instructions:
Hand wash
NO hot water
NO dryer

100% customer satisfaction rate. You won't be disappointed.

USEFUL TIP: To protect the hair when going outside, secure the bonnet under your favourite hat of choice. That way the material from the hat won’t disturb your strands. Typical winter fabric like wool/cotton can cause extra damage to the hair.

UK delivery : Free : 2-3 business days to arrive
Worldwide : Only £5 : 6-9 business days to arrive